Suddenly Single Wealth Management® is uniquely designed to meet the needs of those who are looking for a partner approach to their financial affairs. We want you to be comfortable opening up and sharing your true concerns so that we can answer your important questions and help you make sound financial decisions. If it’s happening in your life, it should be in your financial plan.* Our goal is to help you relax, give you confidence, and create peace of mind, knowing that you’re on the right track to meet your goals. This process begins by us understanding you.
No matter the size of your assets, the purpose of estate planning and wealth management is to allow you to use, control, manage, and grow your estate during your lifetime, then enable it to flow to your heirs or heartfelt causes without unnecessary conflict, delay, or expense.
At Suddenly Single Wealth Management®, we seek to be transparent. Therefore, our Value Proposition (the collection of values we seek to bring to our relationships) is here for you to see. We strive to be:
A Trustworthy Partner
Experienced in the Unique
Needs Of those in Transition
Built Around the Financially
Independent Woman's Needs
an honest and effective communicator
We diligently serve as your comprehensive financial planner with clearly-defined and easy-to-understand responsibilities.
We bring an independent perspective to help avoid emotionally driven financial decisions.
We strive to remove any bias or conflict of interest from your financial life.
We help you anticipate and prepare for transition in your financial life.
We will help bring order and simplification to your financial life.
We work collectively in concert with you, not just
for you.
We will help you follow through on financial commitments.
We are responsible for finding and sharing the strategies and insight needed to help you succeed.